Sacramento Art Glass Preview

My amazing friend Jake Donahue sent me photos for my upcoming article on Sacramento Art Glass. The piece is slated for publication in Mainline magazine this fall (to be released in early December).

Jake’s work is absolutely fantastic and I’m too excited not to share just a little bit of his art! I’m so thrilled to have such awesome photos accompanying my article. Here’s a teaser.

René Steinke in his Sacramento shop. Photo by Jake Patrick Donahue
René Steinke in his Sacramento shop. Photo by Jake Patrick Donahue

Meg goes on an Adventure

It has been a long time since I’ve been into the woods behind the house where I grew up.  I was pleased to see that little has changed.  There are still verdant meadows, strong oaks, the little stream with the fallen tree across it.  And the peace that I used to seek there.