Defending Freedom of Speech

worst-thing-about-censorshipIn Copenhagen on Valentine’s Day, a man was shot and killed at a free speech event.

This came just over a month after “Charlie Hebdo,” the French satirical magazine, was attacked, leaving a dozen people dead, including renowned editor Stéphane Charbonnier. Continue reading “Defending Freedom of Speech”

Je Suis Charlie

I have been trying to come up with something to say about the recent attack on Charlie Hebdo.

Masked gunmen went into the magazine’s Paris office and opened fire. Twelve were killed, including renowned editor Stéphane Charbonnier.

Charlie Hebdo has taken pride in defying the outrage — and even death threats — sparked by its cartoons poking fun at Islam, according to the Wall Street Journal. Of course, the publication didn’t ridicule Islam exclusively. “It attacked Jews, Christians, Muslims,” said NPR’s Eleanor Beardsley in a Jan. 7 segment. Culture and politics were also frequently lampooned.

This attack has brought up questions about freedom of speech, censorship and safety.

As a journalist, this has moved me profoundly.

Today, I can’t seem to find my voice on the subject. However, many eloquent writers have already taken on the topic. Also, cartoonists from all over the globe have published incredible visual statements about the attack.

Here are some articles and a video I’d recommend and some cartoons that I find meaningful.

Je suis Charlie. Continue reading “Je Suis Charlie”