Until We Reach That Day

Monday, April 13, as this issue of the Express is going to press, reports are coming in about a shooting at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro, North Carolina.

At this time, it is reported that one person has been killed, and that the shooting is an isolated incident.

But even one death on campus is too many.
Continue reading “Until We Reach That Day”

Defending Freedom of Speech

worst-thing-about-censorshipIn Copenhagen on Valentine’s Day, a man was shot and killed at a free speech event.

This came just over a month after “Charlie Hebdo,” the French satirical magazine, was attacked, leaving a dozen people dead, including renowned editor Stéphane Charbonnier. Continue reading “Defending Freedom of Speech”

Good Enough is Not Good Enough

safety editorial featured imageFifteen California community colleges were initially approved Jan. 20 to begin offering bachelor’s degrees by the Community College Board of Governors.

None of the Los Rios colleges were accepted into the pilot programs.

That’s because the Los Rios Community College District did not apply for a pilot program. Continue reading “Good Enough is Not Good Enough”

City College Theater Department Celebrates 11 Elly Award nominations


The Sacramento Area Regional Theatre Alliance announced nominations for this year’s Elly Awards, on August 3. City College’s City Theatre brought home 11 nominations for the 2013-2014 school year’s theatrical productions, including a nomination for Best Overall Production in a Comedy for Scapino! Continue reading “City College Theater Department Celebrates 11 Elly Award nominations”

City College Literary Journal Now Accepting Submissions

Current and Former Students Encouraged to share Fiction, Creative Nonfiction and Poetry

City College’s literary journal, Susurrus, is currently accepting submissions for its 21st edition to be published in spring 2015. Current and former students are encouraged to share works of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry and visual art for consideration, according to Marci Selva, the adviser for the journal. Continue reading “City College Literary Journal Now Accepting Submissions”

Students RISE to the Occasion

The RISE room bustles with activity. Students and staff sit around a large table or work on computers that border the room.

The “wall of fame” to the left of the door is full of photographs of students who have passed through the RISE program at City College.

“They are the core of RISE. That’s what makes us effective. It’s built upon the values, the spirit, the fight of these students,” says counselor Keith Muraki in his small office across the hall where he has his own “wall of fame.” Photos of students with caps, gowns and diplomas smile down from their places next to graduation announcements and thank you notes. Continue reading “Students RISE to the Occasion”

Susurrus – Not Just a Whisper


The class meets in one of City College’s aging, weathered, and not-so-temporary buildings that’s located across from Hughes Stadium. Inside the classroom, the wooden instructor’s table near the entrance substitutes as a snack bar with cookies, veggie platters and a bowl of oranges. Meanwhile, desks that once sat in uniform rows, are now haphazardly arranged around the perimeter. Student staff members bustle about, snacking and talking about upcoming open mic events.

Still, even in this scene of controlled chaos, the focus is on Dr. Steve Cirrone, who is perched on one the desks across the room. Before the business of running a student publication begins, he checks in making sure his students are on track, tackling each issue in turn before releasing the students to the business at hand. This is the home of Susurrus City College’s literary journal. Continue reading “Susurrus – Not Just a Whisper”

Sacramento is Overdue for New Performing Arts Center

The front page of the April 28 Sacramento Bee boldly headlined, “Sacramento performing arts center could be next big-ticket item for city.” The article, by Hudson Sangree and Edward Ortiz, describes the debate over renovating the Community Center Theater, a tremendous and ugly cement block of a building at 13th and L streets, or starting fresh and constructing a new, state-of-the-art performing arts center. Continue reading “Sacramento is Overdue for New Performing Arts Center”

A Case for Cooledge

New Building Construction
Roofers and masons work on City College’s new building. Photo by Elizabeth Ramirez.

From Rodda to Lillard, to Lusk and Hughes there are more than a few named structures at City College.

Of the 24 significant landmarks listed on the City College campus map, eight are named after administrators, professors or coaches Of those eight, only the Fischbacher Fine Arts Building is named after a woman.

Amalia Fischbacher was a City College art instructor for 35 years, who was widely known for her love of color. Inside the Fischbacher building resides the Kondos gallery, named for Gregory Kondos, a renowned local painter.

But before all of these administrators, teachers and coaches rose to prominence, Belle Cooledge was the original professor administrator and advocate of City College. Continue reading “A Case for Cooledge”