A Shadow in the Wings

Happy Halloween, All!

In the spirit of the holiday, I’ve posted a draft of a story that I’ve been working on. You can read it below.

As it is very much a work in progress, please let me know what you think in the comments!


A Shadow in the Wings

by Meg Masterson

The alleyway was abandoned except for Kyle’s beat-up Jeep and moonlight spilling onto the pitted asphalt and piles of trash. Years of debris had blown into the corners of the narrow dead-end, and no one had cared enough to do much about it. Kyle leaned against the building at the mouth of the alley, watching the dim and mostly-empty street, while Scott knelt before the door handle. Jessie held a flashlight for him as he worked his father’s lock picks. Continue reading “A Shadow in the Wings”

Sacramento Art Glass Preview

My amazing friend Jake Donahue sent me photos for my upcoming article on Sacramento Art Glass. The piece is slated for publication in Mainline magazine this fall (to be released in early December).

Jake’s work is absolutely fantastic and I’m too excited not to share just a little bit of his art! I’m so thrilled to have such awesome photos accompanying my article. Here’s a teaser.

René Steinke in his Sacramento shop. Photo by Jake Patrick Donahue
René Steinke in his Sacramento shop. Photo by Jake Patrick Donahue