
Meg Masterson is currently creating a wide variety of art in Sacramento, California. In her spare time, Meg LOATHES writing about herself in third-person, so…

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I was born on the East Coast, but have spent the majority of my life in Sacramento. I had the extreme good fortune to have parents who instilled in me a great love of the arts. I’ve been enjoying professional and non-professional performances since I was old enough to sit through them, and I’ve always been an avid reader and writer. The first thing I remember writing (and that I think is still squirrelled away in my parents’ attic) was when I was six years old. I was given homework to write a story about “a day in the life of a penny.” I turned in a two-page epic on changing hands and how unfair I thought it was to be stuffed into a linty pocket while bills were neatly folded into wallets. It’s all been downhill ever since.


This started when I was attending Sacramento City College as a journalism student, and it hasn’t stopped. This is where I park all my theatre reviews, my design work, and the random other things that I want to put out there.

You can find my writing in The Sacramento News & Review, BroadwayWorld.com, MariaShriver.com, GoodMenProject.com, and SacCityExpress.com.


My skills range from sites to stitching to singing and many other things that start with s (as well as other letters of the alphabet). If you’d like to work with me, drop me an email at m3masterson@gmail.com.

All the Best,